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Zangerine Ideas Portal
Status Unlikely to implement
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 9, 2024

Report that gives you COG, Rewards, Commission and profit BY invoice #

What is it you can't do? Describe the problem!

I cant run a report by entering a invoice number to get my COG, Rewards, Commission, and profit quick and easy.

How are you doing it today? Is there a workaround for the missing functionality?

Having to look at what customer is the invoice for then going to profit and loss by customer association report.

What impact would it make? How often/when would you use the functionality?

DAily use and it would save alot of time for me

How do you think it should work?

Profit and loss report by invoice# association. enter invoice number and the breakdown for that invoice comes out. same report as profit and loss by customer association except its by invoice #

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